Self-studying German and looking for tips

Hi! So I’m a broke student, who wants to learn German in three years to pass C1 in order to get my Masters there ( and eventually immigrate). Sadly, I don’t have the opportunity to go to language school in Germany for personal reasons. My plan for now is to finish A1 by September, finish A2 around February and hopefully reach B1 by September 2023.

I have a lot of free time on my hands and feel very motivated. Rn i’m trying to “speed-run” A1 level to have it over by fall. I study 2-6 hours a day and try to immerse myself in it.

What I’m doing: 1) Duolingo web version ( mainly for vocab) 2) Use Begegnungen A1 student book 3) Listen to Assimil German 4) Watch peppa pig and children stories with subtitles 5) Read out loud as much as possible 6) Listen to German songs and podcasts while doing chores

I’m looking for helpful tips from language learners who self-studied What to do and what avoid

Note: I can’t afford private teachers or language courses rn. I know they are helpful ( I studied English and Italian with a tutor)

submitted by /u/strawberry_owl89
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