Let's break the stereotype. What mundane motives do you have for learning Russian?

Every time I turn around, it seems there is some post asking if What's Going On® has Sullied Russian Forever® and if we're just going to give up why we were learning it to begin with. Needless to say, it gets incredibly banal. For six straight months the same question over and over again--sometimes multiple times a week!

I'm not the type of person anyone would picture learning Russian (for one, I'm black), and every time I've had the opportunity to talk to a Russian no one's looked at me sideways for it.

So instead of getting bent out of shape over politics, I would rather:

  • Get a music lesson in Russian from my piano teacher, who’s awesome, educated by New York’s best institutions, and very elegant by the way. Continue learning Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky pieces that I actually enjoy.

  • make a joke to my dentist about not flossing enough

  • order pierogis without scallions; talk to the waiter/ress

  • one day read Russian Romantic literature in its original form, the way the author wrote it.

  • communicate with elder Russians in my neighborhood if they need help, maybe one day do my job in Russian

  • get that traditional nesting doll tattoo I’ve been planning since before What’s Going On® because why not! it would be so cute

  • write my Russian neighbor a Christmas card on January 7th

  • understand what nickname goes with what name; pronounce surnames correctly

Those are just random examples. What about you?

submitted by /u/United_Blueberry_311
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