interfering with other languages

hi so im currently learning languages for fun because i do want to communicate with people who speak those languages that share similar interests & be friends with them! though i have this "thought" stuck in my head that even if i master said language (or be at a level where im comfortable to communicate) i would feel like im "interfering". My native language is not english though i am mostly in english-speaking spaces and I dont feel like im interfering with native english speakers because english is a "universal language" that it feels ok, as most people use english to communicate but with other languages i feel like im entering their "spaces" without permission because i am not a native speaker of that language (nor am i from the country of the language i want to learn)

idk why im thinking so much about that, but ow does one let go of that thought? i will continue learning languages but any tips? thanks!

submitted by /u/filledlake
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via Learn Online English Speaking
