Has learning languages become a part of your identity?

Have you developed some sort of identity related to learning languages, such as:

- language nerd

- language afficionado

- that languages guy/girl

- aspiring / wannabe polyglot

- or perhaps even actual polyglot if you are at that stage

- or something related to cosmopolitanism / culture exchange / being a world citizen

- or something related to science of linguistics, if you're very interested in structure of languages, and how they work "under the hood", so identity would be something like "amateur linguist", "linguistics nerd", etc...

I started developing some sort of identity related to languages when I took Italian studies as my major, and when I reached some solid skills in Italian. Before that I didn't identify much with the study of languages, but I always found it appealing. After I got really good at Italian... I started dabbling with other languages as well and started being generally "into languages"... Still it's just one of my identities, not most important one... But I could see in the future if I keep this interest and learn more languages, that it could become sort of important for my identity. Right now it's a part of my identity, but probably just a minor part of it.

submitted by /u/hn-mc
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via Learn Online English Speaking
