What is your number one change in language studying you made in the first half of 2022 that made the biggest positive impact for you?

Since the first half of 2022 is almost over, I think this is a great time to reflect on the changes we've made and which impact they had for our learning. So how about we try to share the one change that made the biggest positive impact for us? This way, this post can serve as a source of inspiration and study ideas for everyone.


For me personally, I've seen by far the biggest impact from subscribing to several newspapers (one for each of my four strongest TL: French, Spanish, Italian, and Dutch) and subscribing to a bunch of newsletters from each. I now spend around 10-15 hours per week reading newsletters and newspaper articles, as well as listening to the occasional podcast, in all four languages, and feel like not just my reading comprehension but my overall language skills are making big progress.

I've always seen the biggest impact from reading extensively so at the beginning of this year, I decided to force myself to read more this year (as I'd been reading shockingly little last year compared to my listening and other activities). I used to be a voracious reader but have been struggling with reading much due to health problems that affect my concentration (which is even more noticeable when I try to read in TL since that still requires more concentration and focus than reading in my fluent languages English or German). And while I'm still way behind my "books read" goal for 2022, I've been getting tons of reading practice via those newsletters/newspapers PLUS I get the added benefit of learning more about each country's culture (in my case: France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Italy), which in turn enhances comprehension.

submitted by /u/Miro_the_Dragon
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