Trying to learn the subjunctive mood is killing me softly

I’m learning a romance language (apparently if I tell you which one I will be breaking the sub rules and the post will be removed).

I am probably at about B1/B2 with my understanding of grammar. My listening comprehension feels more like A0 but that’s another story!

As I try to learn more of the intermediate grammar I’m progressing through the subjunctive moods and I often don’t get the subtleties between them. It feels like you could sometimes use any of them and the meaning is roughly the same. The difference is often “this verb action feels more or less probable”.

I’ve got to a point where I actively try to avoid triggering any subjunctive mood because I can’t decide which one to use.

Can anyone offer any insight? Should I stop worrying as it will eventually just click via exposure or should I continue to go over and over the lessons and try to commit the usages to memory?

submitted by /u/ezfrag2016
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
