I built an AI English tutor for improving speaking skills

I built an AI English tutor for improving speaking skills

I'm a lover of languages and a Machine Learning researcher, so I built with my friends an AI language tutor. Check out the video below for a demo, or go to http://www.lingos.ai to try it yourself.

  1. You can speak (using voice messages) with the bot about any subject.
  2. It provides immediate grammar feedback.
  3. You can ask it to explain word definitions and grammar rules.
  4. You can do all kinds of role-playing (interview, restaurant, date, etc.) for enriching your language.
  5. No need to install anything, it runs on the Facebook Messenger app.


submitted by /u/Elad_Amrani
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/VBTEOsp
via Learn Online English Speaking
