Could we all be able to speak a common language?

Could all countries teach, apart from their native language, another agreed language like Latin (since it is considered a "dead language" and it would be impartial) so everyone could be able to communicate with other people in the world?

Latin could be taught all around the globe for certain classes in schools, pheraphs the sciences, and then the native language of the country would be for teaching history, literature, etc.

Most people within the country would speak their native language with each other (be it French, German, English, Russian...) but they would as well be perfectly fluent in Latin. I imagine the situation somewhat like in Catalonia, Spain, where the classes are carried on Catalan, but everybody knows how to perfectly speak in Spanish.

Would that be a good idea and make people feel less intimidated when visiting a country and fuel innovation and faster development by people being able to understand each other all around the globe?

Kind regards.

submitted by /u/Edh-l
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
