Could I "permanently" adjust my accent to sound like a native speaker?

Say I move to the US at 21-24, and I've been speaking English for almost a decade at that time (though as a secondary self-learned language), would I be able, through hard effort and trial, be able to sound like a native American speaker? I think the accent is beautiful!

I'm a Brazilian Portuguese speaker, and I feel like I could change the way I speak (vowels, mouth posture) to sound like a native speaker if I put the long time into it. My accent is not extreme as, say, an Indian's accent.

Even though it's my secondary language, it's been a long time since I've started to only watch content creators who speak English, or started speaking to other Americans through voice calls. Though of course, I do speak Portuguese with my family and friends.

So if I moved, would I be able to, with time, acquire the accent almost flawlessly (with rare mistakes)? Thank you!

submitted by /u/GoldSeafarer
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