alternative learning methods to going to classes?

I'm feeling a bit bummed out and like I'm making very little progress in my target language. I've been living in Spain for 8 months and taking Spanish classes twice per week. I just finished the B1 level and although we covered a lot I feel like I've gotten very little practice using the new grammar that we learn. It's a class of up to 10 people and I mostly just seem to spend classes listening to the teacher speaking then doing a few excercises. There's very little student interaction other than the odd question and answer. I feel like I get very little experience speaking or practicing what I learn and having my mistakes corrected.

For the last few months I've started to feel like I'm in highschool again. The classes are so boring, I'm demotivated and I don't feel like I'm getting much from it. I'd really like to look for an alternative but I don't know what.

I still really struggle to speak to and understand natives. I've been meeting with classmates weekly to speak in only Spanish and listen to podcasts which helps bit I still feel a bit stuck at my level.

submitted by /u/RastaSalad
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via Learn Online English Speaking
