Tandem is awful omg

I've been tried Tandem and 2 more apps to talk with people who his first language was english so I can learn english and they could learn spanish if they want but I dont know why everyone in those apps are so creep, I mean I know that the atractive of the app is that u can talk to native speakers in a friendly way and thats cool but I dont want to ask for a conversation to 70 users and only 20 respond and only 5 are here cause they want to learn the language and 2 are serius people, the other 68 users think that tandem and the language learning apps are like tinder o idfk, I mean is cool talk with other people but thats Not the target of the app, I really dont know what I have to do.

PD: I dont take an english class or lesson bcs I have only the money for survive and the english institutes in Colombia are expensive, if anyone want to learn spanish and know a little english im +573168476311 is for free but you have to teach me english so I could help u with the spanish

submitted by /u/Available-Trifle-338
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/9LRrasp
via Learn Online English Speaking
