should i learn my mothertongue or another language i really like?

im kurdish and i feel conflicted. my mother failed to teach me my mothertongue which lead to me having a reallly hard time in my home country and talking to relatives and overall had a big toll on my psyche cuz i would always feel left out and like a weirdo. i recently made a new kurdish friend and she kinda motivated me to learn kurdish but it feels bad cuz like its my mothers fault to not teach me the language and now i have to learn it on my own which takes a lot of effort and time, while others simply learnt the language growing up and im honestly still petty about that and that was the reason why i always refused to learn it cuz i feel like it was her obligation to teach me... idk what do yall think? like i do have a lot of trauma because i didnt knew the language in my childhood :/

submitted by /u/frozenchoco
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