REQUEST: Review my language teaching methodology?

I'm a part-time language teacher who focuses on teaching an endangered language. (The language is Circassian. Check my posting history if you're curious.)

I've been teaching this language for about a decade now. Over that time, I've evolved my own approach to teaching, and I've developed my own method. My method incorporates elements from the work of Stephen Krashen, Paul Nation and builds on the methods of TPR and TPRS.

My goal is to use my method to train other teachers who want to teach the Circassian language, so I've begun to document the method.

Would anyone here (preferably a teacher or serial learner of languages) be interested in reading my write-up and providing candid feedback?

The entire write-up, including a short Appendix is around 5,500 words long (13 pages).

If anyone is interested, DM me, and I'll share a copy of the paper with you.

submitted by /u/Aslanovich1864
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
