People who learn English (or another language) self-taught at an adult age and without spending money, how do you measure your progress?

If you don't account to anyone or go to any school physically, how do you know that you are progressing in the different areas: listening, speaking, writing and reading? How do you measure your progress?

  • Do you do online tests and exercises on a free platform?
  • Do you do exercises from a workbook with solutions?
  • Do you participate in any projects or activities in your city? And do you notice that you have more responsibilities?
  • Are you a volunteer on a translation platform? And the translations you are assigned are of a more difficult level?

I suppose that, when you learn on your own, there is a risk of getting "stuck" and having a false sense of learning progress.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

submitted by /u/Diogeneselcinico42
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
