need help remembering the name of a language learning method

There's a language learning method that I know I've seen mentioned on this sub. They had a nice site explaining how it works and it is basically (I'm paraphrasing here it's more nuanced):

  1. Learn the basic grammar and beginner words through duolingo/assimil.
  2. Comsume media. Keep watching, listening and learning until you get fluent, building vocab
  3. Only now start trying to speak. shadowing and conversation partners

They had a nice website (sleek with a purple theme) and a short name, something like "LR4 method," I think pertaining to the 4 stages of the process. It was something short with letters and a number if I remember correctly.

I've been googling for the past half hour and for the life of me CANNOT remember what this site was... does anyone know what I'm talking about?

(context: their site is very nice and I'm building a language learning site myself, was hoping to check it out again for inspiration).

EDIT: It was the "refold method". I was way off!

submitted by /u/etakaj
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via Learn Online English Speaking
