Most "useless" language you're learning and why are you still interested in it?

Most of us have been told that certain language that we're learning or planning to learn is useless. In reality, even if we don't visit that country or use it in a work setting, those languages are useful to us for other reasons: is related to a hobby, to connect with your heritage, being able to talk to a partner's family, etc. What I'm asking here is what's the language that you are learning, are planning to learn or have dedicated time in the past, that actually has no use in your life, but still you love learning. Why are you interested in that language and how does it make you happy?

I'm asking this question because recently I've been interested in learning Tagalog. Even if people think that learning Suomi or Korean is pointless, I'm interested in the culture of both countries so I have a reason why. However, I have 0 connections to The Philippines. The language just sounds so interesting to me, and I enjoy learning (slowly tho) new words and phrases.

submitted by /u/no_magua
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
