Is it ok to pretend I can't speak English when trying to practice my target language with natives?

So my sister is studying abroad in Germany and she is having a hard time practicing the German she's been studying for the last 2 years, as most natives are quick to defaulting the conversation to English when they see her struggling. But me being a very shameless guy told her to just pretend she can't speak English, as we are not native English speakers wouldn't be hard to fake it, but she argued people are not obligated to help in her language learning journey and they wouldn't like being used as practice material in "time wasting shallow conversation". Then I got angry at her because I don't think this is true at all! Maybe this might be frustrating for a English speakers when every single person they talk to abroad only want to practice their English, but she would be only another person on that native life for a few minutes or seconds plus I don't think conversation are meaningless just because they are shallow, and how will she ever have deep conversation without having shitty conversations prior to that? This might just be a thing of me being more extroverted than her but I don't know so here I'm asking for your opinion.

(She studies in an international uni with classes in English, so the opportunities she has to fake not speaking English is with the town folk)

And obligatory "forgive for bad English", my English is from the streets (aka playing video games, and watching TV) šŸ˜Ž

submitted by /u/LeoHahn
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