Is 20 minutes of study per day good enough to get to level B2 in 5/6 years?

Hey guys! I've been learning Dutch recently because I wanted to move to Belgium. Usually I study for around 20 minutes per day every day and I'm very good about the consistency. I've been learning for about a month. Other then that I also spend about 30 extra minutes watching media in Dutch (mostly basic kids shows right now bc I don't have too much vocab). My goal is to get to level B2 because it's both above the level required to get citizenship (A2) and (to my understanding) enough knowledge to be able to be able to talk to people beyond basic sentences like "can I go to the bathroom" or "where is the shop" or stuff like that.

I'm 15 years old right now, and I plan on going to Uni before moving, so I have around 6 years before I actually move. If I continue on my current pace, studying 20 minutes a day and consuming media around 30 minutes a day every day, will that be enough to reach that level. If it's not enough, how long would I have to study per day to reach this goal? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Economy-Phase8601
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