Grammar problems in native language

In learning Russian, I've noticed a couple things. One thing though is that I speak it the best when Im drunk! I have a Russian friend and I always talk to him when we drink in Russian and we speak for a very long time. Something funny I've noticed is that when I'm drunk, I flip a switch in my head and suddenly only think and speak in Russian and it's hard to switch back willy nilly. I've noticed that when I switch back to English while drunk, there is a good 30/45 seconds where I speak with broken grammar because I'm back translating out of Russian. It's like my brain switches up sentence processing and grammar as well as words which is wild. Like, I'll leave out articles, get confused when I can't use things like который, чтобы, or like После того, как... and it's funny. Just thought I'd share, it makes me happy now that me speaking Russian is not just me translating English in real time but it's actually me using the same part of my brain as English and speaking like, well, normally!!

submitted by /u/seal54321
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