Good Video Games for Language Learning

One of the joys of learning languages is doing things in the language you're learning. I enjoy gaming in my target languages and I've found it helps with learning. Can you recommend any games that are good for playing in another language?

I've found that games with certain characteristics tend to be better for language learning, and I'm looking for more games with these characteristics.

  1. Lots of dialog. A game with little dialog or reading won't be very useful for learning a language.
  2. Dialog that moves frame by frame (think Final Fantasy or Pokemon) or doesn't disappear until you close it. When I play in another language, I use Google or Yandex instant camera translation to help with parts I don't understand. Having text stay on screen until I move to the next screen or close the window helps. Games like Fallout 4 for example have the text disappear as soon as it is said, so I can't look it up.
  3. Not having very obscure vocabulary. I love fantasy games, but they often have very obscure and literary vocabulary. Games with subject matter or dialog with more real, modern world themes tend to be better.

Games I've played so far that I though were good for language learning:

  1. Coffee Talk - The game is almost all dialog where you talk to people in a coffee shop. You have to click to move on to the next sentence, so really easy to look words up.
  2. Haven - A game about a relationship in a sci-fi setting. Dialog is very "normal" and you click to move to the next sentence.
  3. Guild Wars 2 - It has fantasy vocabulary, but the dialog is rather modern and all dialog remains in the chat for you to go back and re-read and other dialog appears in text boxes that you can click through at your pace.
  4. Elder Scrolls Online - This one has really tough vocabulary, but all dialog is voiced and is present in text boxes which you can click to see the next box when you're ready to. I play with audio in English and text in my target language.

Do you know of any other games with the characteristics above? What do you like playing in your target language?

submitted by /u/no1uknow32
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