A2/B1 French in ~2.5 months

I’ll cut to the chase and give y’all a quick summary of my current situation and questions.

Basically, I need to improve my French abilities over summer break. The level needed for the university I want to study at in a few years, is equivalent to an A2 level.

At the moment, I would rank myself as an A1 speaker. Took some classes when I was younger (12-15, I’m almost 18 now), but didn’t take it too seriously. I do know basic grammar, pronounciation, and how to construct simple sentences. Worth noting is that I am natively Swedish and I would say that I’m also proficient at English (maybe?).

The things I need to improve is, in my opinion, my vocabulary and learn more complex grammar. My plan for this consists of reading French books, exposure to French media (news, movies, music, etc.), writing journals, and maybe travel to France for a few weeks or a month. So is this a feasible goal with 4+ hours, five days a week, of studying over a course of two months-ish? Feel free to ask about any necessary info, and thanks for your answers in advance!

TL;DR Natively Swedish and fluent in English. Current French level - A1. Goal - A2/B1 in two months; Is it possible? Anyone with similiar experiences?

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Ad-8022
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