Should I start studying korean?

I’ve been thinking about it for a while now (couple of months) but I never started it because I was scared this might just be a phase. I usually get super obsessed with something and then I want to do things like studying a new language but I stop doing it after the obsession stops a little. For example during the first corona wave when everything was closed I started studying french and spanish and I enjoyed it a lot but then I just stopped because I was not into it anymore. Now I have fallen in LOVE with korean culture and the letters look really beautiful and I get excited when I see them but the reason why I’m so hesitant is because I’m scared I’m gonna stop and then all the work would be for nothing. I already have to work on my italian and german because of school and I really need to improve my skills in those languges because of exams and stuff like that. I just need some advice on wether I should do it anyways or should I use that time to improve my italian and german which should be my number one priority. My thoughts behind this were I’m 5 hours on social media wasting my time. If I just took half an hour 4-7 days a week to study korean it would be better than wasting it on scrolling. What are your thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/AncientRead1596
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