Language learning past B1 level

Hello fellow language learners!

I have started learning Spanish in December and, as of three months later, I have a B1-ish level, meaning I'm capable of talking mostly fluently, have conversations with a native speaker and write longer texts. As of now, I am familiar with most of the grammar and have gone over common vocabulary.

At this stage, I no longer am a beginner, and I know that I have to restructure my learning habits. I used to watch The Language Tutor videos, and they were immense help, but I am reaching the end of those. I used Anki to expand my vocabulary to be conversational, which, in my experience, worked. But still I struggle with comprehension (Spaniards really do speak fast). I know that I should now start to consume content in my target language, such as books and movies, but I thought it'd be great to see what fellow learners here think. So, what did you do to further improve your language skills?

TLDR: how does one learn past B1 level?

PS: I learned English to C2 by watching videos, but I do not really want to spend too much time watching those now that I am not a child any more. Also, I know that the best way would be to travel, but that's not feasible, unfortunately.

submitted by /u/Yellow-Mike
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
