Help me create a good strategy for learning 2 languages temporarily?

Hi all,

I made a goal this year of passing the B2 exam in Target Language 1 (French) by the end of the year, but I was recently contacted to volunteer with an Iraqi family for the next 3 months and I need to switch back to Target Language 2 (Arabic) for a few months without losing my progress in French.

In TL 1, I have been doing iTalki lessons with a tutor once a week, listening to a 45 minute podcast episode almost every morning, doing an online course for grammar, watching TV episodes and news in TL 1, and of course doing 20-30 minutes of Anki flashcards every day. I was also in the process of finding a language partner on Tandem to practice with. For TL 2 I will be doing an Iraqi Arabic specific Anki deck and maybe using Mango Languages. I'm not sure I should get a tutor because in general I'm studying Lebanese/Syrian Arabic and I don't intend to continue with Iraqi after I learn the basics.

Which of the TL 1 activities should I focus on and which should I cut so that I can spend time on TL 2 for the next 3 months without losing ground on TL 1? Do you have any suggestions for how I should study each so that my brain keeps the languages separate?


submitted by /u/Echevaaria
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