CAE doubts

Hello everyone; I hope your day is going great, I just wanted to ask a question as seen from the title. Last year I took a course to get to C1 English level, it was fun and I finished it with no problem. The next step would be C2 (proficiency/native level)… right? Well here starts my doubt, because I’m currently doing another year of Cae (same teacher), but we are still doing level C1, which I’m confused about, I thought it would only take one year to get to C1, and I did pretty well last year. So my question is: Do I really need to do a second year of C1? Is my teacher scamming me? Did my teacher just make up the fact that there are two levels of Cae (C1 and C2 as she says, and I’m aware C2 is used for proficiency, but she uses it for this second level of Cae… I know, very confusing, that’s why I’m here)?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/ZaraUNI
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
