Bad Habits Are Destroying Your Language Learning Process!

I am a big promoter of self reflection as a language learner because you can identify how to better your skills, how much progress you have made, and if your study time is effective.

After my recent reflection session, I realized that there was a lot that I would do differently if I could go back even to the beginning of January 2022. Lack of dedication, motivation, excuses, and discipline which all have contributed to less than ideal study sessions during the first quarter of this year.

This is my first time ever learning two languages at once as well but we can't make that an excuse to be lazy as language learners!

For instance, I have been studying French using Duolingo and and 1 thirty minute French lesson on Italki but still have not memorized the French Alphabet yet! I still don’t know the alphabet by heart, my friend who is from Haiti always tells me that I need to do learn it so I can understand what he says to me. Then if he spells something out in French, I can imagine the word he is using.

Unfortunately, for because of my laziness, but he usually has to spell out the French word with English letters for me to understand. Of course, that isn't very useful for learning French pronunciation.

Also, I've lacked dedication in increasing my vocabulary in French. I usually put sticky notes with Spanish words all over my apartment but I have yet to do that with French. I keep saying, "I will do it tomorrow" nth number of days later still not done. Even with Duolingo, I have managed to lack dedication in completing one lesson a day. Seriously, some take less than 5 and 4 minutes to complete.

All this just to write to you all and give you motivation to not fall into these traps. They can have a big impact on our language learning progress. I could have at least 100 vocab words in French by now and be able to read a lot easier if I had the alphabet.

Stay consistent everyone!

submitted by /u/SpanishBlueprints
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via Learn Online English Speaking
