Why is learning romanian so easy whole every other language feels impassible ?

I tried learning French and in 6 years I never got passed b1 and I just barely reached that. Never udnerstand the grammar or anything, still can't hold anything better than a super basic conversation.

English took me 10 years to get where I am now and the first 5 I was basically illiterate. Learning English was super difficult and my English grades sucked for most of my time in school.

While romanian is so easy, it just flies to me like it's nothing. I never learned a bit of grammar, yet I can just build proper sentences by ear. Vocab is easy to, I read a word once and it's in my brain. It doesn't even feel like learning a language it just feels like re-learning something I already knew.

My mother is romanian, but she never tought me how to speak it. I can't speak romanian because I don't know enough vocab to build any proper sentences. My family just spoke romanian in front of me all my life while I never understood anything. But I've been hearing romanian since I was born. But even tho I cannot speak it, I can still hear when something in the sentence sounds off.

Could it be that I unknowingly picked up some romanian from my family??? This is so odd, I wish every language was this easy.

submitted by /u/Maximellow
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