Why do I understand more 'advanced' materials and not 'beginner' ones?

I've been trying to increase my exposure to my target language through listening to podcasts and watching tv for around 2-3 hours daily. However, I've come across a bit of a problem as stated in the simplified title. As an example, I have been listening to a film podcast in my target language as well as news stations that share current events and their complicated debates. I can usually understand 90-95% of everything. And then the other day I turned on a Disney movie and could only understand maybe 30-50%. Is this a problem with unfamiliar vocabulary or something different entirely? And should I continue to watch these movies or will it be useless to listen passively without a greater understanding?

submitted by /u/violetlun
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/KPCE6WG
via Learn Online English Speaking
