Wanting to improve a language I can kind of already speak.

Hi all. I just was wondering how I can improve on a language I already can speak and understand. I am no expert, but I've been speaking Thai since I was little, but I started to lose it over the years. My mom used to exclusively talk to me in Thai, but as I've grown up and as she's been busier, she started to lose that sternness and began talking in English, resulting in me naturally following as it is my native language. I still talk to her in Thai on occasion, but definitely have lost a lot of pronunciation and sometimes have to think really hard just to remember certain words. I don't want to lose this and be the last person in my family to ever be able to speak Thai, and I want to teach it to my kids some day. I realized I needed to do this as I went into a restaurant and realized the workers were Thai, getting me excited. I then approached and said hi and started talking, only to start tripping up on my words, use a horrible accent, and completely forget how to say certain words. It probably had a lot to do with nerves, but I just want to be able to talk to others in Thai better and also learn how to read and write.

With all that being said, any advice on how to approach learning Thai? Anything is much appreciated and if anyone else has been in this position and gone on to get proficient in that language, advice would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/BakaGoop
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