Should I stick with my target language that I’m not interested in anymore?

I’ve been learning German on and off for the last 3 years. More off than on, I’m probably upper A2 now.

I promised myself I’d stick to the end, until I get B2, then I can start another language. I’ve never really committed to or completed anything big in my life, so that really motivated me to stick with it all the way.

Nowadays I’ve pretty much lost all my interest in German, It’s pretty much become a chore to do my 30 min per day. I want to see this trough but the passion And motivation I had for the first couple of years is gone. However I also know if I give up I’ll be disappointed in myself

I’ve been really interested in Korean, especially the culture and music- and have been itching to start learning it. However I have a feeling after a while the same thing will happen and I’ll give it up.

Has Anyone been in a similar situation? Idk what to do lol.

submitted by /u/AdditionalPandas
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
