Newbie; to learn first?

TL;DR: does it matter what language you learn first, if you want to learn multiple?

Hey everyone,

It’s my first post here. Wanted to ask some questions as a lost sheep!

Background: I started learning Russian in my 2nd year of uni but stopped bcos my lessons clashed with my uni lessons and responsibilities. Started learning Mandarin last year as I got a job in China, stopped because my tutor got a job and my job fell through (because of Covid) I got further with Mandarin, as I did about 9-12 weeks of tutoring, with work around that.

I recently went to Italy, and met some Germans and just realised how much I love language. Yet I am someone that lacks an additional language.

One of the Germans I met said I should learn Spanish first and go from there, as it would be a good building block to learn others (Italian, French, Portuguese).

At the minute I’d like to learn Italian. However, I’m not opposed to learning Spanish and would love to learn it. It is on my list!

Should I go for the easier language first?

PS I have about 6/8 hours a week to learn.

submitted by /u/lextemp7
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
