Loss of reason for learning foreign languages aka I don't want to talk to anyone in neither my TL nor my mother tongue(s)

Hello everyone, I wanted to share something strange with you. I am very passionate about learning languages and I am doing it for as long as I am able to per day. But since the pandemic started I kind of forgot why I am doing it at all. When I started with Japanese around 6 years ago, I was eager to try talking to any natives around me. My goal was to have many Japanese friends and get to know more about the culture through conversations. It went really well and I had a lot of fun! But nowadays I don't have that anymore. I started Korean around 4 years ago, studying by myself, but really just got into it like 2 years ago when the pandemic started. Even though I was learning a lot I didn't know the reason for me studying that specific language. I didn't want to talk to anybody (mostly because I don't want to share much about myself I guess) and thus I cannot share the same feeling for Korean (or French which I started a few months ago) as I did when I studied Japanese. Nowadays I mostly only read books or newspapers in my TL and stopped thinking/dreaming in it.

Does anybody feel the same since the pandemic? I kind of feel exhausted all the time and even sick of using language at all. Maybe someone can give me an advice, because I don't want to lose my passion for foreign languages.

submitted by /u/Recent_Signature_497
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