Looking to interview learners of endangered languages

Hi! I'm a graphic design student. For my senior thesis project, I'm designing a language learning app to teach endangered languages to young learners to promote linguistic revitalization and prevent language extinction.

What are you looking for? ->

I’m looking for learners of an endangered language that is part of the culture of at least one side of their family, even if they were born into a completely different culture. You don’t have to speak it natively, or very well at all, but it's much more relevant to what I’m trying to do if you can speak to how the language has impacted your culture. I'd be asking how you learned/are learning the language, what the language means to you, and how you see yourself as part of this culture.

How long will it take? ->

I won't take longer than 20-25 minutes of your time unless you have a lot to say (which would be awesome but is not required, any contribution at all is incredibly valuable). Your answers will be completely confidential and only used by me.

I'd like to help! ->

If you're interested in sharing your knowledge and your experience as a way to contribute to language preservation, please DM me. I’m really excited to learn more about people’s experiences in a field that I’m passionate about.

I'm not exactly who you're looking for, but I have some useful knowledge ->

If you don't fit into that category but have some other kind of first-hand experience on this topic (e.g. learning an endangered language for other reasons), please message me and we can discuss it.

submitted by /u/crazekki
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/d3uQcXZ
via Learn Online English Speaking
