I can't stop thinking about Korean when I'm already studying Japanese.

This is not a "which language should I study" post cause I already know I want to continue studying Japanese. So mods please don't take this down.

I've been having a really strong urge to learn Korean lately. Mostly because I have been reading a lot of Korean webtoons and novels that have been translated to english. So now I would like to learn Korean so I wouldn't have to rely or wait for these works to be translated. This wouldn't be a problem normally, but the thing is I have already been learning Japanese already for a year or so already, and it's not recommended to learn both at the same time. And this urge to learn korean is kinda negatively impacting my Japanese learning because I've been so distracted by it lately. So I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if they have any advice to give?

submitted by /u/MissPhantoms
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