How do you memorize the meaning of characters without translating them?

I’m learning Mandarin and I’m trying so hard to learn characters without translating them into my native language, if that makes any sense at all.

For example, I don’t want to see a character like 人 and think to myself “this is rén; it means person/human”. I just want to know what 人 means.

This is how I learned English as well. My native language is Korean, and when I speak English, I don’t think to myself “ this English phrase = this Korean phrase “. No. I just know what the English phrase means. I mean, when speaking our native languages we just know what things mean, we don’t associate their meanings with other words. I don’t want to think to myself 사람 = person = 人. This is not how I learn.

However, the problem with Chinese is that it is not phonetic and just memory, so it’s almost like you HAVE to translate already into pinyin. I feel like I’m going around in too many circles trying to connect a character to pinyin AND a word in another language.

I’ve been trying to make flash cards with the character on one side, and on the other side I write pinyin and draw a picture of what it is. This way I get what it means without associating it with a word in another language. However, creating these takes so much time, and I’d rather spend that time learning the language than doing an arts project.

Does anyone who is learning Chinese or Japanese have any better ways to learn characters in a way that doesn’t involve translation?

I apologize if what I’m trying to say isn’t coming across clearly. It’s very difficult to explain! But thanks for your help

submitted by /u/ManyAct814
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via Learn Online English Speaking
