Does anyone else have a really shallow reason for learning languages?

Just saying because I thought more people would relate, but apparently not. I answered a post on here about, "Reasons why you learn languages" and I said my main motivator was because I find certain people in other cultures very attractive and I want to be able to talk to them. But my answer was downvoted to hell and I was left feeling like I was alone on what I do. But am I?

I find Middle Easterners, Indians (from India), and Europeans very attractive, and that has been my prime inspiration for learning those respective languages. Honestly, any reason for learning a language is valid, so if it makes you learn, you might as well own it, right?

If I had said, "I find African languages and Asiatic languages appealing because the people are so attractive" maybe I wouldn't have received as much backlash, because it's somewhat of a trend to learn non-Western and minority languages in these communities, but Indian and Middle Eastern languages and some European languages are very much endangered or lowly popular, so the hate is pretty much unwarranted I think.

I know this is all shallow, but when it comes to reasons for learning, is it that bad to say you mainly learn because you wanna bang? It might be superficial, but it's not like "I love how it sounds" will carry you for several years of language learning compared to, "The people are exquisitely works of art and they inspire aesthetic finesse." What if my future husband is among these folks, and I'm here in my Mexican-American bubble just speaking English and Spanish like a tonto?

I've heard of plenty of people learning their spouse's language just to get along with them, and that to me is not too far from what I consider myself doing.

submitted by /u/rodolfodelatorre
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
