Does anyone else feel like the hardest part is getting good enough to practice?

To improve my speech I need to practice speaking, but I also feel like I can't because I'm at such a low level that every conversation is like pulling teeth. The only people I'm willing to subject that mess to are teachers and other low-level learners, but I don't get many opportunities to speak with the former and with the latter conversation breaks down every 2 seconds because we both forget words, stumble over grammar, realise we don't know how to finish this sentence we just started, or realise that we started the sentence wrong and now it's gone way off course. There's also the fear of just copying each other's mistakes.

My reading and listening have actually gotten pretty decent, but I just feel like I'm hitting a total brick wall learning how to speak. What are some ways of getting past this?

submitted by /u/Manu3733
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
