Do you think English is restrictive language compared to languages like Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian etc.?

I'm a native Turkish speaker and I feel English is more formal, strict language and I feel uncomfortable when I'm trying to explain something. I feel more flexible and creative in Turkish. You don't need to specify subject, you just can explain something with less words, different word orders don't sound weird as it in English, forming inverted sentences in daily life is so much common...

I want to ask people who speak agglunative languages with more grammatical cases, such as Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian, do you feel the same?

Also I want to learn one of this languages for fun. Open for suggestion.

(I don't mean to say English is simple, uncreative, poor language, I just want to learn, is it something about language structure. Since this languages relatively close to Turkish, I just wonder.)

submitted by /u/Routine-Dot6411
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