Are summer university language classes worth it?

Hi! I've been somewhat consistently learning French and German via Duolingo (I'm very proud of my 60 day streak yay!) in hopes of having the option to live in Luxembourg or in the surrounding area in the future (I'm anticipating gaining citizenship in the near future). Currently, I'm lacking spoken experience with French and German- but French is the priority in my view as from what I read- it is the one of primary lingua franca for the Benelux region and is more emphasize in Luxembourg.

Currently I live in a college town that with residency tuition I could take a six weeks, 4 days a week class over the summer via zoom for about ~$2K which I can absolutely afford. The class goes over elementary French and would involve a good deal of speaking.

While I can afford ~$2K for the class, I am wondering if this is worth the cost. Is there any alternatives I should look at? I just don't know if that's worth the cost.

submitted by /u/Bokunomimi
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from Language Learning
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