medical terms in japanese, chinese, korean.

do japanese, chinese and korean contain medical terms like the rest of the languages that are in the western hemisphere? by which I mean the terms like amnesia, apoplex, aneurys, fracture, abrasion and so on. because as far as I know a certified medical professional has to know these medical terms. my mother tongue is an agglutinative language which bears no resemblance to any european language and culturally we are not european at all yet med students have to know those medical terminologies in order to study efficiently since knowing those terms has significant role in the standardized medical language.

amnesia and hemorrage for example. you guys out there, regardless of your mother language, already know those two terms right there but in my country people tend to use local terms(e.g. bleeding instead of hemorrage, rash instead of rubescence). if I walk up to a graduate student and say that Im having cerebral hemorrage help me(well it sounded weird), he wont understand me at all. I wonder if it's the case for particularly those 3 languages as per above.

submitted by /u/kokos1971
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