¡¡KOREAN!! Help please.

OK. So I really want to be able to speak another language when I'm older, i'm 16 now. I play on being a teacher when I'm older and hopefully one of those subjects will be English. If 8 start now and I do like 7 hours a week what level do you think I'd have by 19. The course I want to do is a four year one so of I do it then, and I make some Korean friends and maybe visit Korea once would that be enough for me to go to Korea for a year or two to teach there? I'd obviously be teaching English and would probably do a course in Korean there. I just want to know because I only know English and that has a completely different base to Korean but I just want to get a general, I'll probably pay for lessons too when I'm older in college and I have a job and stuff, but yeah. Also any like textbook reccomendations or things like that, where to start, tips?

submitted by /u/Lazy_Advance6787
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