I scored low on a TEAS exam, English score was incredibly bad. I decided to not bother learning a language.

I was recently considering Spanish or Japanese as a language to learn. I'm 28 years old and was beating myself over the head that I never even tried to learn a foreign language. I did however realize that my ability to master English Language Arts and reading comprehension is awful. TEAS exam is the equivalent of an SAT exam for people who don't have an associates or bachelor's degree. If I scored 45.8% on English, then it's obvious I'm physically incapable of learning a new language. Language proficiency is just as critical as knowing how to walk, I can't even do the basics of my native language; how the fuck can I even learn another language?

I'm willing to be there's tons of spelling and grammatical errors in this post.

submitted by /u/SAMALWhittaker
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