German or Russian?

I’m studying Japanese in college as one of my two majors, and later on in college I’m gonna need classes to fill up the minimum amount of credits for the semester so I decided I’ll study another language alongside Japanese. I can’t decide between German or Russian.

I have an elementary grasp on German, enough to get me around the country, but I am by no means fluent. It’s a language I’ve been excited about since I was a kid.

I don’t have much of a grasp on Russian other than being able to read Cyrillic. However, since it’s more “difficult” for an English speaker than German, and people in a Russian-speaking sphere tend not to be able to speak English as well as people in German-speaking spheres can, I figured it might be more useful.

I’m still not so sure on what I want to do for a living other than work internationally but I figured that opportunity to learn another language isn’t a waste. What would you do in my situation?

submitted by /u/czolgoszleon
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