cant sing but can speak fluent?

Im a fluent english speaker with barely any accent. ive also been living in america for the past 15 years or so. English, however is not my first language. i grew up back in asia. i picked up english fairly quick, watching movies, interviews etc and like i said when i speak people think i was born and brought up here. no accent at all. But i have trouble with english songs, i cant seem to grasp the words at all!!still to this day! and even if i pull out the lyrics, my rhythm is off and i cant flow with the music. why is this? i know some people have trouble speaking english but they have no problem singing catching every words and lyrics. why is this? Edit : also i dont listen to a lotta english songs . I enjoy listening to my asian songs much more. But every now and then i listen to english songs .

submitted by /u/Dontlookbackorsides
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