Can I study all these languages at the same time?

I've loved languages for years, but I have been kind of stagnant in my learning journey for the past couple of years - being stuck at home made me reach the peak of my unproductivity. Do you think I could study French, German, Korean and Chinese at the same time?

To clarify, I am NOT a beginner in these languages. My level in each of them specifically is:

French: officially I have a C1 certificate, I don't think my skills are up to par with that, but I took French for years in school so I have a pretty good grasp on it. I can basically discuss any topic, just rather clumsily.

German: officially I have a B2 certificate, I have forgotten a lot of it and I am not that good at having conversations in it.

Korean: self-studied for 1,5 years. I would say I am an upper beginner/lower intermediate, since I do watch a lot of korean tv shows and have picked up a lot of things passively while watching.

Chinese: no real experience, i just know around 30 characters and how to count.

Any tips on how to study multiple languages simultaneously are welcome as well by the way!!

submitted by /u/Impossible-Art-1365
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