Need help building a study schedule. 10 years of learning french and little to show for it

I'm registering for the TCF IRN (French Proficiency Exam for Immigration. B1 is required) in December 2022, giving me about 1 year to seriously level up my French. I'm in the US (Texas) and looking to get my citizenship (I meet all other requirements).

I've spent 10 years studying French with very little to show for it. I've pretty much only utilized Duolingo and feel I've gotten very good at "multiple choice French". My vocabulary is most likely around 2,000. I can consume most French media while watching with subtitles.

The biggest issue I have is just not having a plan. I'll do duolingo, watch random French media when I feel like it, but have hit a year long plateau. When listening to conversation, I'm completely lost without seeing the written text.

While it's subjective what would be incredibly helpful is having others chime in on how to be more strategic in learning a language. Even a rough schedule of what to focus on will be more helpful than what I have been doing.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/sphynx8888
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