How to best spend 8 months?

Hi all,

I will be moving to a country where Spanish is widely-spoken in September 2022, and I am trying to learn as much Spanish as possible before moving, ideally having a foundation that allows me to develop fluency over the time I will be living there (3-4 years min).

I am currently subscribed to Babbel, and use Duolingo as a supplement. I'm also doing a beginner Spanish module at University (I study Econ, but this module is a credited elective, so I'm killing two birds with one stone). I'm enjoying all of these.

Does anyone have any suggestions of anything else I could be doing? I have quite a quiet term ahead of me at University and so have a fairly good amount of time to dedicate.

Any help is much appreciated, and please ask any questions you would like :)

Edit: (current languages) my mother tongue is English and I could have a basic conversation in German.

submitted by /u/Food-Necessary
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via Learn Online English Speaking
