How long did it take you to start sounding natural when speaking?

Ngl, kinda just looking for reassurance as a beginner here. If I’m reading a sentence I think I sound fine, but as can be expected once I try to actually speak and the nerves kick in and I’m struggling to remember stuff, the cadence and inflection is horrible. I sound like when you try to edit a video of someone saying a sentence using clips of other sentences they said. It also doesn’t help that I’ve only been learning for 31 days now so my brain,rather than just “getting it” is still actively translating what I want to say.

How long until this stopped being as issue for you?

If it helps… I’m trying to post voice notes on hellotalk when I can plus I’ve started booking lessons with a tutor on italki.

submitted by /u/plasticthottle
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
