How do I learn how to speak in French ?

OK here is my situation , and pay attention cuz it's complex as hell !

I can read an article like this one here

with ease , and only missing out on 4 to 5 words per article , that I highlight and memorize using Anki , that helped me to memorize around 3500 words , around 2000 of them I can say that I've learned by heart !

Also I can watch anime that is French dubbed with ease , and I can understand like 70-80% of what is being said in any French movie or TV show or dubbed anime.

I used Pimsuler to help me out with practicing speaking , but all it did was giving me a good accent (which was cool but not that useful) , and memorize some sentences that don't really matter in real conversations !

But I want to learn how to speak , not to memorize words , not to memorize sentences that I can only use in very specific scenarios , but to actually have the skill to use what I already know of vocab. and to utilize what I understand to form up sentences on the fly ! is that possible , and how can I do that ? and what method did you use to speak well ?

submitted by /u/Cool_Night_King
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from Language Learning
via Learn Online English Speaking
