Enhanced Grammar Search - helpful learning tool?

Hi everyone, as a general language learning sub I feel I should share a project that I've been working on and hopefully it will be useful to others.

Essentially it's a grammar search dictionary where you can search for multiple combinations of different types of grammar and you will see sentences that contains these types. Ordered from the most matches to the least.

It works for several languages including Spanish, English, French, German and more.

Check it out here: https://www.lex.quest

Go to "Search Phrases" and you can pick the different combinations of grammar types as well as search for words for a specific language. It's VERY buggy and very early so bear with us lol.

When I first started working on this with my friend, we asked ourselves, why aren't there more dictionaries that serve grammar? Well, when working on this project, we realized that identifying grammar is quite a difficult task! One challenge was that the grammar can change in the context of the sentence. (For example, "run" is a verb in 'I like to run" but it is a noun in 'That run really wiped me out') So you can't just assign a grammar to every word and be done with it, you have to read through the sentence and take into account the words that comes before and after it.

Quite a burdensome task....even for a programmer. There are so many combinations when you start stringing together multiple words...and the more words the more combinations! Turns out, this is quite a trivial task for machine learning!

So using an open-source natural language processing library, we managed to feed a million lines to the AI and have it contextually output the grammar of every word within a sentence based on its training. So far it has proven to be very very accurate (although no guarantees). So feel free to play around and please let us know if you see any mistakes!

submitted by /u/Web_Designer_X
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from Language Learning https://ift.tt/3z1THlQ
via Learn Online English Speaking
